Digital Marketing Roadmap for Insurance Agencies
If you are viewing this page, it’s because you have received a direct invite. These services are not yet being marketed to agencies at large. We hope you will find the information useful and informative, and even though the full dashboard with shiny objects isn’t ready for prime time yet, all of our services are in full swing. Some of you might glean some ideas that you can discuss with your existing vendors, and ultimately- many of you may opt to partner with us. Selfishly, the reason why we have opted to do a “soft release” to targeted agents is so that we can get some feedback from early adopters before we get flooded with inquiries. We think independent agents will remain the backbone of the industry for years to come and we plan to make sure they are equipped to compete head to head with the biggest direct writers in the country.
ps. The videos are intended to be watched in order!